The Power of Prayer - Apostle Arome Osayi The idea that power is inherent in prayer is not a cliché. According to Scriptures, the power of prayer is quite simply the power of God, who hears and answers prayer. Consider this reel. #apostlearomeosayi #powerofprayer #morningreels Link to full message
Everything is not money. Don't let anyone push you to your death. #femilazarus #afl #reels
#koinonia #koinoniaglobal #koinoniafollowers #apostleselman #apostlejoshuaselman #apostlejoshuaselmannimak #todaysermons #levitewatchtv #christiantiktok @banky @Blogger Donald @GospelAds @TODAY'S SERMON @Koinonia Sermons @dunamisgospel_Abuja
Activating the law of life || Apostle Michael Orokpo #apostlemichaelorokpo #apostleorokpomichael #apostlemichealorokpo #apostleorokpomicheal #apoatleorokpomichael #apostleorokpomichaelmessages #orokpomichael #michaelorokpo