If you can't take the risk, don't get angry when those who are willing to do what you won't to get the honour that is due #femilazarus #afl #reels
Use your time wisely. Time is mostly valued when people no longer have enough. #time #value #afl #femilazarus #reels
At the root of every addiction is idolatry. Message title: Eliphalet: Breaking Addictions. #remnantchristiannetwork #evangelistkesianeesiri #rcnwarri #christiantiktok #viral
The man in Christ is lacking nothing. Not withstanding his natural outlook,He is complete! Accept and function from the standpoint of completeness. #thecityistaken #complete #gospel #grace #benin
Reverrence for God - Apostle Michael Orokpo #encounter #encounterjesusministriesinternational #apostlemichaelorokpo