Bear the true Light! | Apostle Michael Orokpo #apostlemichaelorokpo #encounterjesusministriesinternational #encounter
Jesus is alive now and forevermore! He rose never to die again. We also rose in him victorious over sin and death. This is the reality of our faith. #easter #jesus #resurrection #femilazarus
THE DAYS OF THE PURITANS ARE HERE AGAIN #apostlearomeosayi #rcnglobal #voiceofonetv
Having the spirit of Discernment to know the spirit of #truth and error. #apostlemichaelorokpo #apostleorokpomichael #apostlemichealorokpo #apostleorokpomicheal #apoatleorokpomichael #apostleorokpomichaelmessages #orokpomichael #michaelorokpo #thechristiancentre #divinitychanneltv #encounter #apostle #pastor #gospelmessage #gospelmessages #nigerianpastors #nigerianchurch #christiantiktok #encounterjesusministriesinternational
We have the glory of God - Apostle Michael Orokpo #encounter #encounterjesusministriesinternational #apostlemichaelorokpo