In this realm, we cannot survive without the Holy Spirit. Message title: The Burden of the Lord Pt 4. #remnantchristiannetwork #evangelistkesianeesiri #rcnwarri
Every area of unrest in your life is declared overturned today, in the name of Jesus! #ota #livingfaithchurch #bishopdavidoyedepo #propheticword #propheticdeclaration #amen #winnerschapel #cannanland
The Power of Prayer - Apostle Arome Osayi The idea that power is inherent in prayer is not a cliché. According to Scriptures, the power of prayer is quite simply the power of God, who hears and answers prayer. Consider this reel. #apostlearomeosayi #powerofprayer #morningreels Link to full message
Become so aware of what you have in Chirst in such a way that no situation, good or bad, can make you doubt it. #femilazarus #afl #reels