Power #ajs #apostlejoshuaselman #apostlejoshuaselmannimak #koinoniaglobal #march2024miracleservice @banky @Nii Tetteh-Cole @GospelAds @dunamisgospel_Abuja
The authority from God is superior to political authority #voiceofonetv #rcnglobal #apostlearomeosayi
Quite funny story. Anointing is not a sign that you are making your wife happy. #femilazarus #reels #afl #christmass
You cannot call anything a Sacrifice until it is costing you something. Prayer is a Sacrifice! Message Title: The Practice Of Priesthood #remnantchristiannetwork #rcnwarri #evangelistkesienaesiri #apostlearomeosayi #christiantiktok #viral
You rise by the words you speak || Speak your #destiny to life, if no #prophet #prophecy to you, use your mouth.#apostlemichael #apostlemichaelorokp #apostleorokpomichael #apostleorokpomichaelmessages #christianity #christiantiktok #apostle #orokpomichael