KNOW GOD PERSONALLY BY APST. INNOCENT CHUKWU….. Kindly follow us forthis kind of messages and you can download the full audio and video through the following:Telegram: #directionchapel #simply_supernatural
The pain and stigma that comes with losses can be unexplainable. Only those who have been through can tell. #stories
#koinonia #koinoniaglobal #koinoniafollowers #koinonia_abuja #apostleselman #apostlejoshuaselman #apostlejoshuaselmannimak #todaysermons #levitewatchtv @holard2 @todayssermon @koinonia_ @koinoniafollowers2 @zionhubtv
Satan is not God's opposite. Message title: Instruments for Redemption pt3 #remnantchristiannetwork #evangelistkesienaesiri #rcnwarri #christiantiktok #viral
The most difficult thing to take a man out of is his culture. As we learn to adapt to new corrupt cultures, the enemy gains more ground. #femilazarus #afl #reels
Shouldn't a thief who just stopped stealing take very good care of himself and use his money on his affairs? A very short one, a contrast from the Scriptures...... Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
Ephesians 4:28 KJV
God is very concerned about others in our life, the quality of a Man's heart is one of the channel through with he can verify the degree of manifestation such a man is willing to command #encounter #encounterjesusministriesinternational #apostleorokpomichael