2 Views· 08/28/24· Addiction and Perversions

OVERCOMING SEXUAL ADDICTION:A Path to Redemption and Restoration-Apostle Arome Osayi

5 Subscribers

Find Freedom from the Shame and guilt of Sexual brokenness. Experience the power of God's love and redemption, and find hope for a brighter future.

God Can
-Heal the wounds of sexual trauma and abuse
-Break the chains of sexual addiction and strongholds
-Restore your identity and purpose
-Rebuild intimacy with God and others

Biblical References
-God's desire to heal and restore us (Psalm 147:3, Jeremiah 30:17)
-The power of confession and forgiveness (1 John 1:9, Psalm 51:1-2)
-Breaking free from sexual strongholds (Romans 6:6-7, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
-Restoring Intimacy with God and others (Genesis 2:24-25, Matthew 5:27-30)

Inspirational Quotes
"No matter what form your sexual brokenness takes, Jesus came to save you from it. No matter where you have been, what you have done, or what has been done to you, the grace of God can wash you clean, consecrate you as his child, and restore what sin has stolen".-Garrett Kell

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#TheMastersanointingTV #ApostleAromeOsayi #Sexualredemption #restoration #Biblicaltruth #Godslove #Healingfromtrauma #Breakingadditcion #Restoringintimacy #Christianliving #Spiritualgrowth #Faithinspiration #Redemptionstory #Christiantestimony #1John19 #Psalm473 #Jeremiah3017 #Romans667 #2Corinthians1045 #SexualPurity #Marriagebuilding #relationshipgoals #Sexualredemption #marriagecounseling #Sexualintegrity #Freedomfromsexualimmorality #restoringmarriages #Sexualwholeness #marriagerestoration #breakingfreefromsexualsin #PurityinMarriage #Purityinrelationship #jesuschrist #holyspirit #spiritualgrowth #christianliving #worship #Praise #prayer #salvation #redemption #healing #christianinspiration #kingdomliving #Deliverance

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